CO2 - Zähler
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CO2 - Counter
CO2 - Zähler
Seit Einführung der Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung im Jahr 2011 wurden durch die Verwendung unseres zertifizierten Campa-Biodiesels insgesamt Treibhausgase bzw. deren Äquivalente im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel eingespart.
CO2 - Counter
Since the introduction of the Biofuel Sustainability Regulation (Biokraft-NachV) in 2011 the use of our certified Campa-biodiesel saved greenhouse gases or their equivalent compared to fossil diesel.

Technology & Products
Quality Derived From the Multi-Feedstock Plant
We are just as concerned about the quality and attractive pricing of our products as we are about continuously optimising our processes. We focus mainly on the raw materials being used: our vision is a multi-feedstock plant, which requires only a minimum of clean vegetable oils for the production of biodiesel and biofuels.
Diverse Product Range
In addition to fuels for engines, combined heat and power (CHP) units as well as for cogeneration plants in accordance with DIN V 51605, we also produce our Campa biodiesel in accordance with DIN EN 14214. Our product “liquid organic energy LOE” for the use in combined heat and power (CHP) units, is already a registered trademark with the German Patent and Trademark Office. On request, we also produce customised biofuels in accordance with DIN EN 14214.
Other products are glycerols of various qualities as well as valuable by-products such as vegetable fatty acids and the plant fertiliser potassium sulphate.
We have a modern pilot plant (reactors, setting tanks and drying unit), which enables us to use possible alternative raw materials and produce new end products at model scale.
With this equipment we are able to constantly develop our products and processes with special regard to quality and sustainability.

In accordance with the Biofuels Sustainability Regulation, a main part of our raw materials are residual and waste materials ranging from raw glycerols of various qualities, used cooking oils and fats as well as vegetable oils to oily or soapy substances from the vegetable oil processing industry.
The raw materials are being processed into various products in four production lines. The different methods of production are especially adjusted to the varying requirements of the respective raw materials. In another cycle the accrued residues are treated in a separate line and are recycled into the biodiesel production process. For this reason the affiliated company Hydroxy was founded in 2016.

Our loading facilities are designed for a maximum plant utilisation: two trucks can be loaded at the same time with a parallel delivery of raw materials also at two loading units.
A pipeline connects our production site with the Main river harbour in Ochsenfurt. Being connected to the Deutsche Bahn AG railway network allows us to distribute our Campa Biodiesel also via tank wagon.