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CO2 - Zähler
Seit Einführung der Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung im Jahr 2011 wurden durch die Verwendung unseres zertifizierten Campa-Biodiesels insgesamt Treibhausgase bzw. deren Äquivalente im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel eingespart.
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CO2 - Counter
Since the introduction of the Biofuel Sustainability Regulation (Biokraft-NachV) in 2011 the use of our certified Campa-biodiesel saved greenhouse gases or their equivalent compared to fossil diesel.

Dr. Ralf Türck - general manager
Dr. Türck has 20 years of experience in biodiesel industry. Over all he was responsible for more than 20 biodiesel projects worldwide between 2.000 t/y and 200.000 t/y capacity.
Personal data
Born on 3 February 1963
Professional activities
2016 - today Hydroxy Energy GmbH, general manager
2013 – today REC Reliable Engineering Concepts GmbH, general manager and owner
2009 - today TECOSOL GmbH, general manager
2006 - 2009 AT Agrartechnik GmbH & Co KG, general manager
2003 - today Allegroengineering GmbH, co-owner
2000 - 2006 Campa Biodiesel GmbH & Co KG, general manager
1995 - 2000 AT Agrartechnik GmbH & Co KG, technical director
Other activities (e. g. association)
2000 - today AGQM e.V. (Quality Group Biodiesel Germany) and Verband der deutschen Biodieselkraftstoffindustrie e.V.
(Asscociation of the industry of biodiesel fuels), member of Technical Committee
2009 - today Bieton Deutschland GmbH, member of the Supervisory Board
2000 - 2005 RBE GmbH & Co KG, member of the Supervisory Board
2000 - 2005 AGQM e.V., vice president
2000 - 2003 AOGQM e.V., chairman
1996 - 1998 Standardization committee for Biodiesel in Germany (DIN 51606), member