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CO2 - Zähler

Seit Einführung der Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung im Jahr 2011 wurden durch die Verwendung unseres zertifizierten Campa-Biodiesels insgesamt Treibhausgase bzw. deren Äquivalente im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel eingespart.

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CO2 - Counter

Since the introduction of the Biofuel Sustainability Regulation (Biokraft-NachV) in 2011 the use of our certified Campa-biodiesel saved greenhouse gases or their equivalent compared to fossil diesel.

Tecosol - Biodiesel-Produktionsanlage in Süddeutschland

Quality & Sustainability

Biomass is an important Part of the Energy Revolution

This turnaround can only be achieved by means of a well-balanced mix of renewable energies. In addition to water, wind and sun as energy supplies, the generation of energy from biomass is vital. Biomass offers valuable opportunities for generating and storing energy, which can help, secure the much-needed independence from limited resources in the energy sector. Energy revolution? We are on board! With biofuels for engines, combined heat and power (CHP) units as well as cogeneration plants.

Biofuels Sustainability Regulation (BioKraftNachV)

With the implementation of the Biofuels Sustainability Regulation, several certifications for production plants have become necessary. Tecosol has received all the necessary certificates.

EU Requirement already met

The EU directive on the reduction of greenhouse gases caused by biofuels and liquid bioenergy sources requires a reduction of the green house gases effect by 50 percent from 2017 on, from 2018 by 60 percent. The unique raw material mix, resulting from the Tecosol’s bio-refining of waste oils, residual and fresh vegetable oils, ensures our Campa biodiesel already a CO2 saving potential of 90 percent and more. The future is already here.


Both biodiesel and petrodiesel release more energy during combustion than is needed for their production. However, when one includes all the pre-stages, only 40 percent of the energy, which is needed for the production of regular diesel fuel, is needed to produce biodiesel. Biodiesel: Saving energy from the very first drop.


From self-commitment to regulation: Years ago, the European automobile industry committed itself to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of new cars. Meanwhile, the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) from 2009 introduced obligatory and european-wide regulations for the energy sector. Member states can define sub-targets and specific measures about the implementation of this regulatory framework.


In Germany, the usage of biofuels is directed by the biofuel sustainability regulation (Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeits-Verordnung). To reduce climate change to a minimum, biofuels must avoid a major part of green house gas emissions compared to fossil fuel combustion.

Furthermore, there are strong regulations for growing biomass used for biofuel production. Neither land with a high carbon stock like peatlands or forests nor areas with a high biological diversity can be converted into agricultural land.